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Hold Me Tight® Relationship Enhancement Online Workshop ~ Session 2

  • JS Therapy Group, LLC (map)

Hold Me Tight® Couples Workshop ~ Session 2

In session 2, you and your partner will begin to work through the first of seven conversations of the Hold Me Tight® Program. In the first conversations, you and your partner will learn and talk about Recognizing the Demon Dialogues.

In Session 2, you and your partner will learn:

➳ how partners try to use secondary strategies to get connection, leaving each other feel alone and disconnected

➳ how partners change levels and talk about finances or parenting instead of sending clear signals about the feelings

➳ how the brain impacts these interactions and contributes to these Demon Dialogues

➳ how the Demon Dialogue is the enemy, not you or your partner

During the private conversation, you and your partner will begin to construct your Demon Dialogue so you and you partner can begin to restructure conversations that lead to connection instead of disconnection.

Click Here for a Full Description of the Workshop