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Hold Me Tight® Relationship Enhancement Online Workshop ~ Session 5

  • JS Therapy Group, LLC (map)

Hold Me Tight® Couples Workshop ~ Session 5

In session 5, you and your partner will begin to work through the fourth, and most impactful, of the seven conversations of the Hold Me Tight® Program. In this fourth conversation, you and your partner will learn and talk about The Hold Me Tight Conversation: Becoming Open and Responsive.

In Session 5, you and your partner will learn:

➳ the benefits of having a conversation with your partner that is emotionally accessible, responsive and engaging

➳ the importance of the 3 R’s: reaching, risking and responding

➳ how to move slowly and safely into this conversation since it can be difficult to engage in

➳ how to talk about fear with your partner

➳ effective dependency and why it is good for your relationship

Click Here for a Full Description of the Workshop