{FREE DOWNLOAD} Motivating Daily Reminders

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Are you struggling to keep track of the week? Is today Tuesday? Or is it Friday? It’s hard to keep track when we don’t have our usual routine to fall back on.

But…we are here to help. Thanks to one of our student interns, we are happy to offer a FREE DOWNLOAD on daily reminders. You know…just like the cruise ships….only without the COVID-19. Thank goodness for that!

Never Forget the Day of the Week Again!

Here is how this works. It is super simple!

  1. Just click on the button below.

  2. The 7 page PDF will open in a new window.

  3. Either download or print as many copies as you need

  4. Then place the daily reminder around your home where you need it the most!

  5. Never forget which day we are on again!

Use this resource and then check out all of our other resources.  Then call us and schedule an appointment so we can help you set yourself up for success. We will help you every step of the way!