It's National Hunt for Happiness Week!

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Happy New Year!

We hope you had a great holiday season and hope your 2020 is off to a great start! You know what could help your 2020 get off to a great start? Feeling more happy!

The third week of January has been designated as the Hunt for Happiness Week. This is a week dedicated to encouraging you to really take stock of your life and what makes you feel truly happy.

Of course it’s nearly impossible to feel happy 100% of the time. We’ll also add it’s not healthy to feel happy 100% of the time. We must experience a wide range of emotions. But, nothing is wrong with feeling happy a great deal of the time.

How To Increase Happiness:

  1. Relationships with family members. Humans are bonding animals. Your brain is wired for connection to others. So ask yourself, “how are your relationships with your family members?” If your relationships need some work, get on it. Don’t waste another minute. If your relationships are going well, make sure you continue to water and fertilize those relationships. Show gratitude. Let your feelings be known. Tell your person how much he or she matters to you.

  2. Hobbies and fun activities. Now that you have your people, you need something fun to do together. This doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. It could be a family game night. You could put together a puzzle. You could go see a movie or go for a walk. Spend some time together doing something fun.

  3. Make a list of life achievements. As a society, we are drawn toward success. Sometimes we can get caught up with the bigger and better thing and completely disregard all of our past successes. So take ten minutes each day and make a list of your past successes! Put them on a post-it note and place them around your house to remind yourself.

  4. Be more active. Did you know that physical activity releases endorphins? Endorphins help us feel more happy. So go for a walk. Park at the far end of the parking lot at the grocery store. Take the steps instead of the elevator. Your brain, and body, will thank you.

Let’s recap. Feeling happy seems to come naturally for some people. Other people have to work at it. Make happiness like your retirement plan. Be intentional about it. Don’t just let it happen. Take control of your happiness and make it happen!